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Cafe Songbook Performer Index
(Performances by Frank Sinatra on Cafe Songbook)

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Selected Albums
Performance(s) on
Cafe Songbook
(Click song title to visit Cafe Songbook page with performance on album and/or video.)

Frank Sinatra
(born December 12, 1915, Hoboken, New Jersey, US - died May 14, 1998 (age 82) West Hollywood California -- pop singer, jazz singer, film actor


photo portrait of Frank Sinatra (1940s)
c. 1945


Sinatra Best of Columbia Years album cover
The Best of the Columbia Years 1943-1952



In the Wee Small Hours



A Swingin' Affair
(1956 )



Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely album cover

Frank Sinatra Sings for
Only the Lonely




Nothing but the Best (2008)



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(this page)


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More Selected Albums
by Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra
Songs for Swingin' Lovers

album cover: Frank Sinatra, Songs for Swingin' Lovers



Frank Sinatra
Nice 'N' Easy

album cover: Frank Sinatra "Nice 'n' Easy"



Sinatra and Strings

(arrangments by Don Costa)

Sinatra and Strings album cover



Album: Live at the Meadowlands
(New Jersey), March 14, 1986
arrangments by Don Costa.


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